Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Problems Problems

Couple of slight short cuts caused some damage, heartbreaking really, but nuttin that cant be fixed!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

First ride!

OMG - hard to describe, like riding a wild drunken horse i suppose, I was really hanging on for dear life and not because of excess speed either.  It felt like when i first rode a motorcycle, nervous, excited - not being able to find the back brake, clutch really heavy, back wheel slightly out of align, crazy geometry - shit it was all going on! 

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Went up super early to Rexs, added fluids, primed it, and it starts first time - now thats satisfying, watching and listening it come it life, sounds great too, I cant wait to get this thing on the road.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

What no tires?!

Getting closer, bike is looking good, not convinced about the yellow plus leads, will try black ones and see. Pipes i sent to Pro plating - they seem to have no problems with chroming them, cant wait to get them back and put the end caps in

Monday, May 11, 2009

Friday, May 8, 2009

NC - NYC - NC in a weekend

Bit late on the update, however made it to NYC and then over to New Jersey and picked up the painted parts - sat in the sunlight they look amazing, shame I only have a crappy picture of the parts in my bedroom - but it made me happy to wake up and check out Ryzarts work each morning :D

Spokes now ordered, exhaust, well its getting there, Rex is sorting out the wiring as we speak - not long now!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Frame up!

Frame bondo'd up, looks from the picture a really nice job, pretty subtle but I think it'll make the paint show really well.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Pinstripe Progress...

At long last, we decided on the shade of blue for the pinstripe, took lots of texts and emails and photoshop comps but now I think we are somewhere good. Rich and myself where kinda worried about getting the frame back to me after its painted so I think it'll be a road trip for me and the family, kids are already not too thrilled about a 16hr round trip but thats what makes for family life, both the good n the bad, the ups n the downs, and the long ass journey to pick up your dads motorcycle bits :D

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Friday, March 13, 2009

Try spelling Variegated..

Its a pain in the a$$ - but this is red variegated gold leaf and its going on my tank - pixs soon.

Kandy Apple extreme!

How the pleasure just keeps rollin' on and on - thing looks like a giant christmas ball , nay, a monster candy apple :P

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Base coat laid down - looking awesome already!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Primed and ready to go..

Rich from Ryzart.com is doing the paint job for me, heres a quick update on the tins - looking good is all I can say!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Paint color

This is an example of the Kandy apple red over a base of gold - the graphic shows the base gold underneath - preeetty.

Not quite so bling...

This is the kickstand - pretty ropey quality, had a hole in it, now filled in i hope and I also ground it down so that it'll be good for chroming

The after shot, came out pretty good, that angle grinder works wonders.

home polishing :D Dremel - gotta love 'em!

missed interiors..

For some reason ChromeMasters missed a few parts - the spring was especially annoying, as it was also meant to be copper finished; however it maybe a good thing, i've decided to keep it as chrome and once the rust spots are gone then it'll all be good. I've sent them back to be fixed and also sent the exhausts off too - please please please dont fall apart in transit!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Christmas time!

Chrome arrived, looking forward to seeing how the girder came out, theres like 50 other bubble wrapped goodies in there too! :D

Monday, February 23, 2009

Seats Ready!

Roberti customs finished my seat - looks nice and simple, looking forward to seeing it on the bike, hoping that it'll flow with the bikes long long lines. $150 incl shipping aint half bad for a custom seat.

Pipes ready to go - I think..

Thursday, January 29, 2009


So, where are we, bike got the point where it was ready for tear down, took it all apart and was ready to send to chrome when I found that the half SS and half mild steel wouldn't chrome well due to the heat on the SS being kinda flakey, sooo, chopped them up, bought some mild and went to Rexs and we remade the exhausts, just waiting for them to be welded then they can be sent off to Chrome Masters along with everything else to be made beautiful. Once you start with chroming/ polishing stuff then you cant stop - its like an addiction - cant wait to see the final product - about 3 weeks to go.
Also finished off the frame spent last weekend with a file and a Dremel type tool and took out 90% of the highspots to hopefully save me some money of the prep time before paint. Have design from painter, not 100% sure but will probably go for it; as have done with the seat which has been sent to Roberti Customs for some basic leather work, nowt flash, that the job of the chrome and paint. April release - it'll be tight.
Also cant make up mind on getting tortoise shell spokes - i'm 60/40 on it yet..